Thursday, June 29, 2006


I must apologise to those that read this blog, if there are indeed any at all, for the lack of updates.. I just got a bit bored of Big Brother. The tasks seem to be rather boring and with all the housemates who do indeed cause conflict having been voted out week after week, the house itself if pretty boring..

Just the boring housemates that don't really do much, like Imogen, are left and they're all pretty mellow and nothing really happens..

Maybe the new house will prove to be more exciting, with Aisleyne or Suzie, not actually being evicted, unbeknown to the housemates, but going into 'the house next door', with 5 brand new housemates..

Since that last post, Sam the man went out, the next week Grace followed suit to the delight of the public and choruses of 'get Grace out'.. followed the next week by Lisa, the loud Chinese girl.. she actually managed not to swear in the whole of her interview..

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Another walk another eviction

OK, so I haven't really updated this since Bonnie left, for a few reasons, firstly I spent most of last week at the humble abode of my dearest and secondly, I've been ill..

So anyway, to keep this short, George walked, because he said he wouldn't be able to cope with the fame and notoriety once leaving the house, if he actually got evicted..

Then came nominations and the housemates up for eviction were, Lea, Richard and Sleazer Sezer..

Now Lea was convinced she was going.. Richard wasn't sure who was going, and Sezer was convinced that Lea was going too.. So much so that he kept bragging that he wouldn't go out against someone like that, because all the girls would vote to keep him in.. Little did he know..

Several episodes of the same sort later, with Sezer being completely unaware of his outright male chauvanism, eviction night came.. and when Davina let it be known that it would be Sezer that would be the second housemate to be evicted, he could not have been more shocked..

The majority of the house however seemed delighted.. On coming out of the house, Sezer saw ow he had been edited and realised the extent of his vulgarity, and actually wasn't all that bad in interview.. but he gained the highest ever percentage of the vote to be booted out of the house.. a staggering 91.7%..

All the ladies that would apparently vote to keep him in, had actually voted against him, not because they liked Lea or Richard more, but just because they hated them less than they hated him.. they were offended that he loved himself so much that he should think that every woman in the country would love him too..

In other news, the house gained 2 new people.. in the lovely Grace's words, a He-She named Sam (Samuel or Samantha, you take your pick) and another silly blonde ghetto bitch, who is the biggest moose ever named Aisleyne. The new housemates arrived as prizes for winning a task..